2023 4Q and 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes

4Q 2023 and 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes

Date: Jan 27, 2024; Time: 6:30PM CST
Meeting at the Granbury Annex

BBR Board of Directors meeting was called to order by President Ray Horn. Directors in attendance of the meeting were: Ray Horn, Tom Driscoll, Lonnie McClelland, Kevin Miller and Warren Ferguson. Also in attendance were POA members:
o Jim Waldson
o Jerry & Amy Dowell
o Ellen Horn
o Frank & Shawn Lima
o Tom Ferguson
o Les Castleberry
o Don Wallace
o Donna & Lewis Smith
o Kathy Holt
o Kerry & Alaine King
o Amy Driscoll
o James & Glenda Harrell
Ray began the meeting at 6:00pm
3Q2023 Meeting Minutes were presented by Warren Ferguson and approved.
Treasurers Report by Tom Driscoll
30% of the dues will be dedicated for the Road account
• We are looking to sell the (4) Property’s and are budgeting to earn… $200,000 ($50,000/property). We have not yet contacted a realator to get it appraised and are now in the process of finding a few to get a competitive selection process.
• Plan for 2025 dues increase of another 10%
5-year plan
• Posted to the website, but we are expecting the Fixed costs to remain the same… electricity, mowing.
Frank asked:

      1. How many properties / homes are behind on POA dues?
      2. How many are deliquent? What is the amount of outstanding and penalties?
            a. Four are delinquent…. 3 have been collected upon
            b. We have collected past due penalties for the properties that have sold.
            c. We get $500 / property transfer fee
The ARC Report by Frank Lima
• Whitworth added metal roofing shed to donkey loafing (Dec 11)
• Lot 16 vacant lot approved new residence…
• (Jan 13) Loerch at 3500 Farmland to concrete driveway.
• Kevin asked about Farmland, but nothing has been submitted. Frank will look into it.

Old Business
• Contractors came out and walked the pond when it was dry (Oct)
• No bids have been provided
• No decision on adding electricity to the (4) plats
• $15,000 – $20,000 to get an engineered road drawing
New Business
• No new neighbors
• Notice of board changes
o Ray Horn is stepping down as President and Warren Ferguson will assume the role.
o Lonnie McClellan will remain Vice President.
o Tom Driscoll will remain Treasurer.
o Kevin Miller will remain Parliamentarian.
• Garage Sale by Jim Waldson
o Jim asked for a show of people interested in an annual community garage sale and said he had 17 people.
o Jim is looking to lead a committee to address the following questions:
           Who will organize the event?
           When will notices of the event be given?
           How is the POA protected if there is any vandalism?
           How will the event be advertised to the community?
o Glenda Harrell asked if the POA allows an estate sale and it was stated that it can be done.
o Jim will get back to the Board with progress.
Member concerns
• Frank would like
o to have the Board address the Vandiver’s about their windmill screeching.
 Warren to speak with Mr Vandiver.
o Hole at the front entrance needs to be repaired.
 Warren to get rock saw to cut out and repair the holes.
o Update fins & fees……………Frank to get with Warren to put a number to the items
 Pools……$ …..time to implement
 Barns….. $ ….. Time to implement
 (other)
• It was stated that we have people speeding through the neighborhood. The attendees felt we needed to make a memo to “speeders”.
• Trash at the front of the neighborhood has been unusually bad.
• Updated contact list to be emailed / updated to website.
Ray concluded the meeting at 7:00pm

Submitted Respectfully,

Warren Ferguson

Blue Branch Ranch

Board of Directors Secretary,

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